To be an MACF member, you must...
- be a practicing Professional or Technical consulting Forester and must be actively offering your services to the public for a fee or retainer.
- For a Professional Forester, possess a four-year degree in forestry or closely related field from an accredited college or university
- For a Technical Forester, possess a two-year degree in forestry or closely related field from an accredited college or university.
- show that you're a professional consulting forester.
- provide opportunities to interact with other consultants.
- help you keep current on issues facing Minnesota's consulting foresters.
- offer you an opportunity to attend educational programs specifically planned for consultants.
- allow you to be represented on statewide committees
- promote your business on this site and in the widely distributed membership specialization directory.
- enter your business in the National Woodland Owners Association’s Forestry Network referral system.

To be an MACF member, you must...
- be a practicing professional consulting forester and must be actively offering your services to the public for a fee or retainer.
- possess a four-year degree in forestry or closely related field from an accredited college or university.
- have five years of experience in the field of forestry.
- submit an application to the membership for a simple majority vote for acceptance.
- abide by a voluntary code of ethics.
- pay annual dues.
- The MACF operates under a set of bylaws.
Contact the MACF for a membership information package.